

我國ABAC代表張嘉淵主持「DAILY Training Workshop」—領先人力數位轉型「Do AI Locally Yourself」 EVENT LINK

我國APEC企業諮詢委員會(ABAC)代表,廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵,於本(113)年本(6)月6日與7日主持「DAILY Training Workshop」線上工作坊,共計有新加坡、菲律賓、印尼及泰國等16個經濟體參與。張嘉淵技術長本年受邀擔任ABAC人力發展工作小組(Human Development Working Group, HDWG)「人力和技能發展的數位轉型」優先領域召集人,此工作坊為張技術長於HDWG推動「Do AI Locally Yourself (DAILY) Project」之重要活動,獲得APEC經濟體熱烈迴響。

工作坊由張嘉淵技術長,以及廣達–陽明交大和成大聯合AI研究中心主任林一平教授開場致詞。張嘉淵技術長指出,工作坊有三大目標:(1)展示如何利用本地資料和專業知識應用AI,為勞動力賦能;(2)聚焦數位健康和智慧農業等智慧應用,推動APEC數位經濟;以及(3)縮短數位落差,為所有人提供包容性且可近用的AI培訓。張技術長比喻「如果data是水,AI是魚,我們希望訓練人們毋須編碼也可以在他們自己的data lake釣魚。」林一平教授指出,工作坊所教授的廣達「人工智慧研究雲運算整合平台」(QOCA air)以無程式碼和低程式碼(no-code and low-code)的能力著稱,使用者毋須編碼即可創建智慧應用程式。


APEC企業諮詢委員會議 台灣代表廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵出席分享AI應用與發展 EVENT LINK




張嘉淵今年受邀擔任ABAC「人力發展工作小組」(Human Development Working Group,HDWG)優先領域二「推動數位化轉型,促進人力和技能發展(Boosting Digital Transformation for Human and Skills Development)」召集人(Priority Lead),並於小組執行挹注AI能量於智慧醫療及數位健康的工作。




林口長庚攜手廣達及國際扶輪造5G救護車 強化新生重症病童後送 EVENT LINK



我國首位ABAC代表廣達張嘉淵技術長出席APEC衛生與經濟高階會議—呈遞《ABAC致APEC衛生部長信函》 EVENT LINK

我國APEC企業諮詢委員會(ABAC)代表廣達電腦張嘉淵技術長,榮幸獲邀至APEC衛生工作小組(Health Working Group, HWG)「性別與衛生平等」政策對話參與討論;並代表ABAC於APEC衛生與經濟高階會議(High Level Meeting on Health and the Economy, HLMHE)向衛生部長呈遞《ABAC致APEC衛生部長信函》,也是我國首位遞交《信函》給APEC衛生部長的ABAC代表。張技術長2023年於ABAC數位與創新工作小組(Digital and Innovation Working Group, DIWG),主持數位健康計畫「DO AI Yourself (DAIY) Project」,其計畫貢獻與建言被納入《ABAC致APEC衛生部長信函》,展現我國企業藉數位健康弭平APEC地區數位差距提升衛生之貢獻。





歡迎您現場了解AI medicine、Telemedicine、Telehealth三大平台 :

  •  AI醫療雲平台 (QOCA aim): 榮獲國家新創獎,結合最新POD技術,以醫療影像與結構化資料分析提供最佳臨床決策輔助及精準預測。
  • AI遠距醫療平台 (QOCA atm): 偏鄉醫療及區域聯防的最佳利器,使醫療服務突破時空限制,創造更優良的醫療品質及低碳轉型的典範。
  • AI健康照護平台 (QOCA apc): 兼具隔離病房、居家照護、日照中心、社區照護、防疫隔離等多種應用場景,打造更智慧、節能、人性的照護服務。




董事長 林百里

技術長 張嘉淵 敬邀



【QOCA廣達全方位智慧醫療平台】將於2022.12.01《台灣醫療科技展》台北南港展覽館4F N313a展位盛大展出


現場展出AI+ Cloud三大平台,包括:

  • AI醫療雲平台 (QOCA aim): 結合最新POD技術,以醫療影像與結構化資料分析提供最佳臨床決策輔助及精準預測。本項目榮獲本年度國家新創獎!
  • AI遠距醫療平台 (QOCA atm): 偏鄉醫療及區域聯防的最佳利器,使醫療服務突破時間與空間的限制,創造更優良的醫療品質,是遠距醫療的最佳利器!
  • AI健康照護平台 (QOCA apc): 兼具隔離病房、居家照護、日照中心、社區照護、防疫隔離等多種應用場景,更是遠距照護中心的唯一選擇!


所有產品均有現場Live Demo,衷心期待您的蒞臨並與我們的專家團隊洽談。



董事長 林百里

技術長 張嘉淵 敬邀

蔡英文總統宣布APEC代表團成員 廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵將代表我國參加2022 APEC企業諮詢委員會 EVENT LINK



2022我國於ABAC推廣數位健康成果豐碩 展露新科技創造健康數據之價值 EVENT LINK

APEC企業諮詢委員會(APEC Business Advisory Council, ABAC)數位工作小組長期關注亞太地區數位相關議題的發展,數位健康之醫療數據價值創造與應用更被列為2022年重點工作項目。廣達電腦長年投入精準健康與智慧醫療領域,張嘉淵技術長於2019年起受總統任命為我國ABAC代表,並受邀擔任2022年數位工作小組之共同主席,由ABAC我國秘書處協助張技術長於ABAC推動數位健康相關倡議。

本年度之重點成果之一為發布「2022 ABAC數位健康報告」(ABAC Digital Health Report 2022),呈現APEC經濟體在數位健康數據應用之創新作為與經驗,亦涵蓋我國成功案例,這些案例同步呈現於專設網站。APEC經濟體能從本報告綜觀數位健康轉型於亞太地區的整體現況,亦能瞭解我國在此一領域推動工作的豐碩成果。2022年ABAC致APEC衛生部長信函亦特別提及對於本報告之期待。



「2022 ABAC Digital Health Forum」在台灣! MIT、京都大學等數位健康頂尖專家齊聚 EVENT LINK

由廣達電腦、廣達醫療科技基金會和APEC企業諮詢委員會(ABAC)共同舉辦的「2022 ABAC Digital Health Forum」盛大展開,此次論壇邀請美國麻省理工學院CSAIL、日本京都大學、加拿大西蒙菲沙大學(SFU)的頂尖教授群、APEC經濟體代表,以及國內各大頂尖醫學中心及醫療院所、標竿學術機構的專家學者們,針對數位健康轉型案例分享,同時也為全球數位健康、智慧醫療發展提供建言。

廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵自2019年受總統任命為我國ABAC代表、今年2月再獲ABAC數位工作小組主席Jan De Silva邀請共同擔任聯合主席,他也期望,台灣在數位健康發展上,持續透過多元的國際合作,建立更有彈性的網絡。


文化部與OPENTIX兩廳院文化生活合作,推出「OPENTIX紅利點數」藝文消費回饋機制,7月1日正式上線 EVENT LINK VIDEO

文化部與兩廳院攜手推出的OPENTIX紅利點數回饋,也是延續同樣的概念,將藝FUN券的效能轉化,生生不息帶動整個藝文產業發展。廣達電腦技術長暨副總經理張嘉淵表示,OPENTIX 紅利點數結合「虛擬任務」與「數位點數」的獎勵機制,促進民眾藝文參與,希望未來以虛實整合的相關科技為基底,協助文化產業在「虛實經濟」的模式中,提升服務內容廣度與藝文體驗深度。

廣達強攻智慧醫療 擴大亞太區合作 EVENT LINK

廣達電腦董事長林百里1日在「ABAC數位健康論壇」中指出,AI正引領醫療領域的革命,盼推廣Medical care as a service,讓智慧醫療隨時隨地應用、普及到每個人身上。林百里為論壇作結時表示,AI正引領醫療領域的革命,帶動智慧醫療、遠距醫療以及在地樂齡照護(Aging in place)等服務蓬勃發展。廣達近年來與產官學界不同單位在醫療領域的合作,也逐漸開花結果。廣達作為世界領先的ICT業者,絕對會以AIoT和雲端等高速運算和網際網路的相關科技,鼎力支持智慧醫療的發展。

國內外智慧醫療專家將齊聚2022 ABAC數位健康論壇 共商數位健康轉型的未來 EVENT LINK

廣達電腦、廣達醫療科技基金會和APEC企業諮詢委員會(APEC Business Advisory Council, ABAC)我國秘書處共同舉辦之「2022 ABAC數位健康論壇」(2022 ABAC Digital Health Forum),即將於07月01日星期五於台北君品酒店舉行。本論壇目的為推進APEC與ABAC在數位健康領域工作之發展。


AIoT產業實務精粹講座!帶領工程人才瞄準智慧照顧X智慧車電未來趨勢 廣達建構QOCA平台 實現智慧醫療 EVENT LINK


除了神經網路 人工智慧還有什麼可能? EVENT LINK


賀!本院企業合聘教師張嘉淵教授榮獲 「Red Dot Design Award」及「IF Design Award」-國立陽明交通大學 EVENT LINK

本院企業合聘教師張嘉淵教授認為在Covid-19疫情的衝擊之下,讓企業加速運用新興科技的創新應用,可更進一步運用在智慧醫療上。張教授帶領廣達研究院開發設計的三個產品,皆得到國際設計大獎的殊榮,其中兩個智慧醫療產品更榮獲Red Dot Design Award,另一智慧農業的田野感測器亦榮獲IF Design Award。

台大與廣達打造智慧醫療 運算效能等同8千台電競桌機 EVENT LINK


[QOCA Quanta Omni Smart Healthcare] will make a wonderful debut at the 2022.03.22 annual event

You are cordially invited to come and interact with us at booth Q1308, Hall 2, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. You will see that in the post-epidemic era and the 5G wave, we focus on the layout of "Super Computing" and "Hyper Connectivity" for whole-person precision medicine. The three platforms of AI+Cloud will be exhibited on site, including:

  • AI medical cloud platform (QOCA aim): Combined with the latest POD technology, it provides the best clinical decision assistance and accurate prediction with medical image and structured data analysis.
  • AI telemedicine platform (QOCA atm): A cloud-based clinic that highly integrates various medical instruments and can conduct 6-party consultations at the same time. It is the best tool for rural medical care and zone defense. The newly launched telemedicine electric scooter and mobile medical suitcase make smart medical treatment more mobile and the relationship between doctors and patients is more evolved.
  • AI health care platform (QOCA apc): Choose from various application scenarios such as isolation ward, home care, daycare center, community care, and epidemic prevention and isolation.

At the same time, various IoT innovative cross-domain applications with self-learning and decision-making assistance are waiting for you to experience. In addition to detection and warning, edge intelligence can reduce the requirements and costs associated with cloud analytics.

All products have Live Demo, look forward to your visit and further discuss your needs and ideas with our team of experts.


Barry Lam


Ted Chang 

廣達張嘉淵受邀擔任ABAC數位工作小組聯合主席 EVENT LINK



SNQ國家品質標章授證 欽選98企業124項產品 EVENT LINK

首度擔任評審的廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵表示,台灣企業要進入國際,運用真實數據(real world data)在真實場域中累積實證數據(real world evidence)是必須要做的基本功,期待產業持續累積實證數據說服專業並成為專業,才有機會成為全世界追求的典範模式,打開更寬闊市場!

Leveraging a global R&D network to implement health technology into health systems EVENT LINK

“Our business is focused on new forms of information communications technology, including medical IoT devices, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to provision computational health and precision anytime, anywhere services to patients,” says Dr Ted Chang, chief technology officer and vice president, Quanta Computer. But being successful in this field is contingent on identifying and addressing the most important challenges for consumers.


從校園到城市、國家的智慧未來雲端平台 廣達-成大 AI 共研中心創新價值跨域研究 EVENT LINK

近期新冠疫情影響及高齡化社會刻不容緩的來臨,促進了智慧城市、物聯網與精準醫療等智慧 AI 革命及生技醫療的加速發展,行政院明年即將設立的數位發展部,揭示了全國數位轉型的未來趨勢;而在臺南,由國立成功大學推動數年的智慧校園結合智慧城市計劃已經加快腳步,成大與廣達電腦成立「廣達-成大聯合 AI 研究中心(Quanta-NCKU Joint AI Research Center)」,率先在大南方建立重要的數位基地。

廣達電腦技術長張嘉淵以「運算藏行 智慧顯光」為題為中心啟動發表演說指出,廣達電腦在 2019 年至 2021 年連續 3 年獲得全球前百大創新企業,最重要的因素不僅僅在專利的數量,而是在研發解決問題的創新價值。如果希望讓人工智慧發光,背後其實有更多新的運算、新的軟體及硬體需要整備。現今全世界面臨 COVID-19、老人醫療等問題,在尋求解答的同時,不但改變了許多人的行為,也改變許多商業模式,廣達致力以人工智慧科技創新來解決問題。


2021台灣醫療科技展今天揭開序幕 EVENT LINK




以人為本 以終為始 廣達以AIoT直達未來美好生活 EVENT LINK

「AIoT的名詞和概念是由廣達率先提出,從一個創新的字眼,開始在產業界擴散,變成流行趨勢。」廣達電腦技術長暨副總經理張嘉淵進一步說明,過往當大家都在談IoT時,廣達強調AI的原因,源自於臺灣的產業特性,「臺灣硬體太強大,講到IoT的時候只會看到Things(物),忽略IoT的Internet(聯網)部份。然而,真正有未來價值的,是善用儲存在機器Internet裡面海量的資料,透過機器學習(Machine Learning)提煉出的AI演算法!」

學校和企業之間不該是單向的供應鏈,廣達電腦公司技術長張嘉淵從廣達與麻省理工學院的合作,看見研發、轉型與商機。 EVENT LINK



成大校友張嘉淵、陳俊聖獲總統接見 擔任APEC企業諮詢委員會代表 EVENT LINK


廣達技術長張嘉淵:新創是一種精神,體現在台灣所有成功的科技公司上 EVENT LINK

我們訪問廣達技術長暨副總經理(CTO, VP&GM)張嘉淵博士(Ted Chang Ph. D.),他同時是廣達研究院院長,每年接觸到的新創公司不下數百家,也擔任過許多新創大賽的評審。他強調新創是一種精神,無論是對剛起步的公司或是穩定發展(well-established)的公司,都必須維繫這樣的精神、與時俱進,才能存活下去,也才能支撐公司不斷轉型。他認為台灣所有成功的科技公司都體現這樣的精神,這也是台灣最可貴的地方。

廣達AI大Boss張嘉淵 操盤兩廳院轉骨大計 EVENT LINK


Global anti-pandemic measures: Key new technology turns crisis into opportunity EVENT LINK

Under the current rapid global competition, in order to promote the transformation of the large-scale health industry in the post-COVID-19 era, Quanta was invited to participate in the discussion on the deployment of innovative technology strategies held at the Health Policy Conference and the National Development Conference on May 7.

Quanta Computer CTO Dr. Ted Chang said that the COVID-19 outbreak has greatly increased the demand for telemedicine. The new technology model developed by Quanta adopts the human body as a big data, integrates the IoT, conducts machine learning through the cloud, establishes an algorithm, and then becomes a total solution. However, unlike medical materials, how these software, algorithms, solutions, etc. pass regulatory review and obtain certification has become a key issue.

Quanta has cooperated with hospitals globally, implementing smart healthcare service at home. Currently, the most difficult is how to apply real-world data in real-world field, and then obtain empirical evidence. If these data can be internationally recognized like Taiwan's epidemic prevention system, it can become a role model for the world.

National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) works with Quanta Computer to provide Artificial Intelligence Platform System with the integration of the cooperative platform EVENT LINK

National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) announced today (3/24) to work with Quanta Computer to provide Artificial Intelligence Platform System. By integrating the concept of cooperative platform, all the notations and records from all participated research groups are kept and stored. All the research groups would get benefit from the results and records by all the participated works. There are different research topic groups, such as breast cancer, lung cancer, and etc.



Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) and Quanta Computer go hand in hand in establishing a Remote Community Care and Health Promotion Platform EVENT LINK

A signing ceremony of memorandum by KMU and Quanta was held on Dec. 11 at KMU, celebrating the collaboration between the two cross-industry elite teams in developing a Remote Community Care and Health Promotion Platform.  The platform aims to deliver an interactive warning system, which will firstly be deployed to KMU’s long-term care service stations located in Cijin community.  Upon verification of the service model, it will be promoted to the entire hospital system of KMU, to enlarge data set and create a predictive health monitoring model. Future cooperation with the government to promote the system to remote areas and places where medical resources are a scarcity can be a natural extension of this platform. The success of this project will exemplify the visions of “Reducing the Urban-Rural Health Gap” and “Prevention is Better than Cure”, per Health Promotion Administration of MoHW.


12/5-12/8 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo, Booth: S1217

As you may be probably aware, 2019 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo is about to start on 12/5 at Hall 2, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.  It will be the perfect opportunity to let you experience our AIOT-Enabled Continuous Care and Smart Medicine solution.  We will be pleased to see your presence at booth S1217.  Come have a cup of coffee with our friendly QOCA team.  Furthermore, at 9:40am, 12/6, Mr. Barry Lam, our chairman, will take part in the panel discussion of Med x Tech Summit Asia, at Room 701AB.  Don’t miss the chance to get a first-hand understanding about the trend of global innovation!  Sign up now!


2019 Quanta Smart Medicine Symposium

Quanta Medical Technology Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Quanta Research Institute, and Epoch Foundation organized the first annual symposium on Smart Medicine on Sept. 27th at Quanta Computer’s headquarters in Linkuo, Taiwan.  This year's symposium focused on the theme of Reinventing Smarter Medicine with AI.  Profs. John Guttag, Regina Barzilay, and Collin Stultz from MIT/MGH, Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman of Quanta Computer, as well as distinguished speakers from both the U.S. and Taiwan shared their insights on realizing a new era of personalized care and population care by means of computational health intelligence.


The Key Equation to the Future Artificial Intelligence – AI+HI EVENT LINK

(reported by Anue on Jul. 17, 2019)


The 2019 MIT ILP-Epoch Taiwan Symposium was held today (the 17th), with this year’s topic being “Less Artificial, More Intelligence: Challenges of AI as a New Industry”.  In his speech of "Dancing with AI", Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta Computer Inc., described how Quanta transformed itself in the past two decades, and his expectation on the company's future. He further indicated that the future of artificial intelligence would put great emphasis on cooperation of artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence (HI) .


Quanta and MIT first collaborated in 2005, said Mr. Lam. AI servers being the recent development work, these days Quanta spares no effort in facilitating the growth of Taiwan's AI industry.


How does a 30-year-old company that started off with ODM of computers, surf the trend of AI as a leader?  Mr. Lam recalled that 20 years ago, he was fortunate to meet Mr. Michael L. Dertouzos, Director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), who in Taiwan gave a speech on "Oxygen”—a research project aiming to develop human-centric interfaces that would help bring technical products closer to people's lives—and proposed the concept of "cloud". Mr. Lam deeply realized that convenience and virtualization, both of which later becoming the cornerstone of Quanta’s development, would be the trend for future products.


Mr. Lam believes that the following three questions should be considered before developing AI: What is AI? What can AI do for us? How do companies create markets for AI products?


Mr. Lam emphasized that AI should not be about replacing human beings, but rather be a tool that helps humans make smarter decisions. Take Quanta as an example: Beginning in 2000, the company changed its growth direction from technology-centric towards human-centric thinking. In 2005, the T-party was kicked off as a joint-project with MIT that put focus on easing the interaction between technologies and human beings. In 2010, both parties collaborated on the development of Qmulus, where AI products were put to use by healthcare for precise analysis of patients’ health conditions. Technologies developed there were then consolidated into the QOCA platform, which recently was donated to the National Taiwan University Hospital.


The development of AI-based products is unstoppable, according to Mr. Lam. Teamwork between artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence (HI) will be the primary target of the responsibility of, not only Quanta, but all mankind.


Mr. Lam also announced that for the third time, Quanta would continue its collaboration with MIT in creating a better future.


Quanta Computer donates “AI Medical Cloud” to National Taiwan University Hospital to make medical treatment smarter and more precise EVENT LINK VIDEO

(reported by Radio Taiwan International on Jul. 9, 2019)


As an demonstration of integration and innovation between technical and medical industries, and as part of its expansion into the smart medical domain, Quanta today (the 9th) donated an "Artificial Intelligence Medical Cloud Computing Integration Platform" (QOCA® AIM) to NTUH.  Tailor-made for Taiwan's medical environment by Quanta Research Institute, this platform will combine the best minds of NTUH and massive medical databases, to offer faster and more precise medical diagnosis, as well as to alleviate the shortage of clinical manpower.


Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta Computer, with his R&D team who spent the past 6 months in creating this platform, donated QOCA® AIM to Dr. Shyr-Chyr Chen, representative and Superintendent of NTUH, on the 9th.


Dr. Shyr-Chyr Chen states that the advancement of artificial intelligence has been changing the human life, in that it has shortened the time for medical diagnosis and increased accuracy.  However, there is still a need for large-scale data collection and machine learning, which is only achievable by large-scale computation systems and database.  As such, he is very grateful for the smart medical cloud designed by Quanta, which is of great help to the medical team of NTUH.  Dr. Shyr-Chyr Chen said: "Be it disease diagnosis or gene therapy, I think there will be a big breakthrough.  I think artificial intelligence should be a maga-trend at present time. It is also the big drive for progresses in medical sciences, treatment of diseases, our life and work alike.”


Mr. Barry Lam talks about AI all the time. He also states that AI is the dream of all computer engineers. Graduated from NTU with a degree of Electrical Engineering, he has always hoped to build an artificial intelligence medical cloud for NTUH to assist the medical team and make breakthroughs in their researches.  "The software running on this platform is developed by us, specifically for medical applications. It makes the hospital smarter, more intelligent and more precise.  Of course, we are just the tool. We still need the players—and only the best players—to coach and train it.  So I hope that we can work together on more medical research in the future, and now is a good start," said Mr. Lam


The computing power of QOCA® AIM is 8,000 times more powerful than today’s highest-end gaming laptops, with capability of storing more than 2 petabytes of data. When combined with NTUH’s databases and Quanta’s data analysis technologies, it can be applied to the fields of genetic sciences and artificial intelligence, genetic deep learning, medical image computing, medical record data coding and management, etc., to make more precise and rapid medical decisions while alleviate the lack of clinical manpower.


Wearable Devices: Data Analytics, Not Just Data Accuracy EVENT LINK

(reported by Digitimes on Jun 21, 2019)


Dr. Shih-Ann Chen, professor of Medicine at National Yang-Ming University, is an expert in Cardiology. He stated that the data collected by wearable devices should be put through more analysis rather than mere presentation of numbers. Furthermore, data analysis should break down into categories and divisions.


For instance, ECG Holter may identify occurrence of arrhythmia, which then should be further analyzed and categorized by the specifics. Symptoms like atrial fibrillation (AF), supraventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT), Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW syndrome), atrial flutter (AF2), atrial tachycardia (AT), ventricular tachycardia (VT) and heart block can all have their medical signals denoised by means of AI to improve efficiency of physicians’ diagnosis.


Taipei Veterans General Hospital has been cooperating with Quanta Computer Inc. to develop a more compact ECG wearable devices which aim to improve charging cycle to 30 days from 14 days.  Contents measured can be transmitted via intranet to the storage and analysis stations of different centers, such as the hospital’s teaching center and emergency room.  Given sufficiency in technical capacities and time, Dr. Shih-Ann Chen would like to see AI algorithms developed for each type of arrhythmia, in order to provide the most accurate and professional medical services.

5/21-5/23 Vitalis 2019, Booth B07:13

Experience the Health Transformation right at Vitalis 2019!  QOCA® will display a true fireworks of innovative products and solutions at Booth# B07:13.  We cordially invite you to take a detailed look at our products and discuss your needs and ideas with our experts.  See you soon in Gothenburg?  We are looking forward to meeting you there!

3/26-3/29 Smart City Summit & Expo 2019

This month, the SCSE & Expo 2019 will once again act as a magnet for countless industry experts from all over the world. QOCA® is set to participate for the second consecutive year.  Why not catch up on the most exciting trends and major development of our product line? Visit our booth at K317A of Smart Healthcare Expo and K305A of Smart Education Expo at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1.  Ask your questions face-to-face.  We’ll be delighted to answer them and to take the opportunity to describe our products and services.  We look forward to seeing you there!


2/11-2/14 HiMSS19, Booth 8061

We’ll be using HiMSS19 as a platform to showcase our latest product –QOCA® ecg. We are also delighted to present the solutions under development and why they mean so much to you.  Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge technologies, through live presentations and testing of our solutions.  We look forward to seeing you and having a stimulating conversation at our booth 8061!


Quanta to Push Advance Precision Medicine Forward EVENT LINK

 (reported by Digitimes on Jan. 29, 2019)


"To make hardware, find yourself an old enough company. But to make software as a business, find young companies instead," joked Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of the 30-year-old Quanta Computer. Considering itself the best hardware partner in the technical arena of artificial intelligence (AI), Quanta is transforming its business for future success through Rethinking, Retraining, and Re-creation. Speaking of business transformation, Mr. Lam the last two major campaigns—from making desktop computers to notebook computers in 1988, and from notebook manufacturing to cloud computing in 2000—were never easy. In retrospective, however, those decisions, though challenged and questioned by shareholders and stakeholders at that time, turned out to be correct. It is because of determination and persistence that Quanta has been a key player in the global cloud service industry since 2012.


Quanta’s business development of artificial intelligence dated back to 2016; internally, Quanta proclaimed 2018 its Year One of AI. Within the next few years, it hopes to combine its strong foundation in hardware with domain know-how of medical professionals, to provide better medical services.  In addition, Quanta also cooperated with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in creation of “Taiwania 2”, a supercomputer ranked among the world’s top 20, capable of boosting and upgrading the industries of consumer products, cloud infrastructure, industrial applications and so on.


Amid the deployment of smart healthcare, Quanta invested lot of efforts in IoMT, smart hospitals, medical clouds, medical products, and artificial intelligence.  More specifically: “IoMT” includes research on cardiovascular diseases and thoracic medicine; “smart hospital” involves Quanta's QOCA 2.0 and smart ward monitoring system; “medical cloud” provides diverse applications through GPU servers and DNA storage systems; AR and VR are integrated into medical products as well.  AIoMT is expected to develop rapidly in the next few years.  Quanta’s strategic plan for AI is to take a multi-facet approach, led by research institutions and its Quanta Medical Foundation (QMF), an organization independent of the Quanta’s parent group. Currently, the objective for the new business is to create a smart hospital. Mr. Lam says that he welcomes expert opinions and discussions on the definition of a “smart hospital”, despite Quanta has its own imagination and thoughts.


Three Arrows of AI

Quanta’s overall R&D direction of Information and Medical Artificial Intelligence can be divided into three parts: Domestic medical centers, global startups, and foreign academic institutions.  In its cooperation of Taiwan’s domestic medical centers, Quanta is actively engaging with National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, China Medical University Hospital, and Kaoshiung Medical University Hospital, all of which are major teaching hospitals. In terms of approaching global startups, Quanta is in touch with companies like Path AI, a startup founded by Harvard Medical School graduates, and Rivera, a 14-year company focusing specifically on lung cancer.  Path AI’s main business is about applying to pathology. It cooperates with pharmaceutical companies to make the drug delivery process smart, so that symptoms and treatment can be more related and fact-based.


In cooperation with foreign academic institutions, Quanta has collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for a few years.  In addition to continuing with MIT, recently it has been actively working with Harvard and MIT's Institute of Medical Engineering and Science.  Moreover, there are many links in the field of cardiovascular translational medicine.  Dr. Collins M. Stultz, whose dual expertise includes information science and medical treatment, is part of the cooperation plan, too.  Mr. Barry Lam believes that smart medical technologies, such as artificial intelligence, require cross- and multi-disciplinary talents to play crucial roles in the development, discussion and field-introduction.


National Taiwan University Hospital and Quanta Computer Inc. Jointly Investing in Smart Healthcare EVENT LINK

To demonstrate the integration of technology and medical innovation, and to deploy smart medical treatment in a larger scale, a memorandum on strategic cooperation in the field of smart healthcare was signed on Jan. 11, 2019, by  Prof. Hong Nerng Ho, Superintendent of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), and Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta Computer Inc., on behalves of both parties.  Quanta Computer will provide technologies associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to NTUH's Medical Genie Project, an advanced project that aims to develop an AI decision support system for precision medicine. NTUH and Quanta will work on research and development of medical artificial intelligence to promote comprehensive adoption of AI within NTUH.


A massive hospital system spread out in different regions in Taiwan, today NTUH headquarters and its several local branches each owns medical records and information. Quanta will help NTUH build an AI image analysis center that integrates Quanta's smart hospital solutions, smart medical project data management platform, and medical big data management platform. These smart technologies will be integrated with NTUH's work flow. Assisted with AI and professional confirmation by physicians, routine processes such as interpretation of medical records and image will become more precise and more timely. Additionally, the new system can also relieve the challenge of clinical manpower deficiency. By sharing the research outcomes, both parties look forward to creating a new era of medical big data management and smart medical treatment.




AI integrated ECG Holter Quanta comprehensively cut into Cardiovascular EVENT LINK

(reported by Digitimes on Dec. 3, 2018)


According to Ministry of Health and Welfare, more than 48,000 people died of cancer, which is one of the top ten causes of death in the year of 2018. Counting all cases of “cardiovascular diseases” associated with heart, cerebrovascular, hypertension, diabetes, etc., the number however is a lot higher than that. That’s why Ms. Claire Chou, Director of BU12 Marketing Planning of Quanta, says that the company will be investing in the QOCA® ecg products that focus on prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases by means of monitoring electrocardiogram.


Mr. Shardad Hung, Associate Director of BU12 of Quanta, says that in the past, hospitalized patients undergoing cardiac catheterization had to wear a 12-leads Holter for ECG monitoring.  However, the patient's mobility is greatly restricted with so many electrodes attached to the body.  By reducing the size of Holter and making it simpler, Quanta hopes to improve the patient’s postoperative quality of life.  Expected to be launched in Q3 2019, the new ECG Holter will incorporate a special button that the patient can press it when in any discomfort.  It can immediately notify the caregiver at the nursing station. Data collected during the discomfort will be marked so the doctors or technicians can analyze the signal variation easily.


On the other hand, a home edition of Holter aims to extend the battery charge cycle to 14 days for use away from hospital. During the 14-day monitoring, the ECG data will be used to identify three types of variations, including long pulse, ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF).  Doctors may define the long pulse abnormality as lower than 40 beats per minute or higher than 120 beats.  Mr. Shardad Hung says that with the help of artificial intelligence technologies, the system is capable of showing abnormalities and alerts of special conditions today. Though already quite high, the system’s accuracy will be even better in the future, according to Mr. Shardad Hung.


ECG data collected by Quanta’s QOCA® ecg products can be presented on a variety of display equipment. Quanta has been cooperating with NCKU Geriatric Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Taipei Medical University Hospital. In the future, the soft/hardware will be built and integrated with nursing stations at participating hospitals. Nurses will be able to access ECG data in real time much more easily than before. 


11/29-12/2 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo, Booth: I615 EVENT LINK

We are so excited to announce that QOCA® will exhibit again at 2018 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo, which will be held in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.  A full-range showcase of our QOCA® series products, integrating AI-based Medication and Smart Internet of Things into multiple form factors of smart devices, come with easy-to-use interfaces, diverse self-management capabilities, and integrated AR/VR technologies.  With utmost enthusiasm, we look forward to meeting elites in the healthcare industry and seeking the cooperation prospects in the future.  Meet us there at booth I615!




11/12-11/15 MEDICA 2018, Booth 15B22

The world’s largest exhibition for the medical sector, MEDICA 2018, is almost upon us.  Quanta is one of the exhibitors and we have prepared a huge booth (Hall 15, B22), where we will be presenting our overall QOCA® product series.  Join us there for a drink and a friendly chat with our QOCA® team.  It is the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better and learn more about what we have to offer you.  Looking forward to seeing you.

11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS 2018)

It is our great honor to invite you to attend the 11th Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS 2018) which will take place in Taipei World Trade Center during 17-20 October 2018. This is the first time that Quanta Computer Inc. will be exhibiting at APHRS 2018. We are proud to present our newest product - QOCA® ECG at booth E18 (A section/1F). Join us and learn how we can make ECG smarter!


National Cheng Kung University and Quanta Computer Inc. signed Memorandum of Understanding on Developing Smart Geriatric Hospital EVENT LINK VIDEO

National Cheng Kung University Medical Center (NCKU) will build the nation’s first hospital dedicated to the elderly.  A signing ceremony of memorandum on smart elderly care collaboration between NCKU and Quanta Computer was held on Sep. 3. Dr. Huey-Jen Jenny Su, President of NCKU, and Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta, jointly signed the MoU on behalves of both parties. Mr. Lam stated that Artificial Intelligence could achieve more precision healthcare together with hospitals of benchmarks.  NCKU pointed out that the bilateral collaboration would not only provide a quality medical clinical trial site, but Quanta would also receive support from NCKU’s medical research, whereby Quanta could optimize products and technologies as a whole.  Incorporating the smart technologies, NCKU will transform itself into a patient-centric care-giving model that will benefit both organizations, the patients and their families.


Quanta advances Taiwan Smart Medical Treatment on a Global Scale EVENT LINK

(reported by Economic Daily News on Aug. 31, 2018)


Precision 4P healthcare as a result of integrated ICT technologies

With its strong R&D capabilities, Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) is bringing Taiwan’s smart healthcare to world leadership. 


In North America, Quanta’s QOCA® smart healthcare cloud-based solution has been adopted by Baycrest Health Sciences in Canada, and the Canadian Centre for Aging & Brain Health Innovation (CC-ABHI). This solution has successfully provided personal care management plans for the elderly.  


In Europe, Quanta and Economic Board Utrecht signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Utrecht municipal government funds and subsidizes for remote healthcare systems that help the elderly find useful information and connect with neighbors and caregivers.  


In Mainland China, Quanta has comprehensive cooperation with medical unicorns to help the seniors in Binhai New Area of Tianjin City manage their health and reduce medical expenses.


Quanta is proactively embracing the demand for smart hospital solutions from world-class medical institutions, including Sanatorium Hospital in Hong Kong, Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University, and Burjil Hospital of Dubai. 


In Taiwan, Quanta is collaborating with Taipei Medical University Hospital to build a “Smart Hospital Simulation Laboratory”  which aims to create a new type of personalized smart medical services. Inaugurated last year, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital has deployed Quanta’s “QOCA® e-Whiteboard” to its nurse stations.  Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Quanta go hand in hand in establishing the “ I-131 Therapeutic e-Center for Thyroid Cancer”, incorporating an improved model of remote medical services that would provide medical care for patients in isolation wards, while at the same time link up the patient in the ward, nursing staff in the nursing station, supporting medical care in other hospital sites, as well as family members separated from the patients.  It is the only ward awarded the National Quality Symbol Certification in Taiwan.


QOCA® baby, developed jointly by National Cheng Kung University and Quanta,  creates a virtual clinic in the cloud that would allow hospitals, physicians, family members and neonatal intensive care units to break geographical limitation and interact in the air. It is a perfect evidence of how Taiwan's powerful IT technologies may contribute to best-in-class services.  Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Chiao Tung University have recently signed Memorandums of Understanding with Quanta, respectively.  Planning and demands for Smart Hospitals is truly overwhelming.


Mr. Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta, has vowed to give fully support and actively introduce artificial intelligence into the medical industry, which is deemed a new opportunity for Taiwan's AI industry.


Dr. Ted Chang, CTO & Vice President of Quanta, stated that the issue of accelerating intellectualization of the overall health care industry by means of integrating information through electronics and ICT technologies, and proliferating the use of convenient, human-centric healthcare services, is a global concern that requires immediate attention of everyone. The 4Ps--Preventive, Predictive, Personalized and Participatory—will be Quanta’s guideline on smart precision healthcare and medical services.


On 30 August, Dr. Ted Chang (CTO, VP&GM of Quanta Computer) was invited to speak at Wearable Technologies Conference 2018 Asia in Singapore, topic “AIoMT for Smarter eHealth”.  “Quanta is committed to leveraging its innovation capacities for smart medical and healthcare applications, by integrating AI-based Medication and Smart Internet of Things into multiple form factors of smart devices,” says Dr. Chang. “These products come with easy-to-use interfaces, diverse self-management capabilities, and integrated AR/VR technologies. All of these aim at providing better clinical experiences and diagnostic quality to physicians and patients alike, as well as fulfilling patient-centric, personalized, smart healthcare needs of patients, families and medical staff.”


Taipei Veterans General Hospital join-forces with Quanta Computer Inc. & Wistron Corporation to build a “Smart Digital Technology Hospital” EVENT LINK

In order to build a smart digital technology hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) signed letters of intent (LOI) on the 8th of August with Quanta Computer and Wistron Corporation, respectively.  The LOIs  were signed by top management of the three organizations, including Dr. Deh-Ming Chang (Superintendent of TVGH), Mr. Barry Lam (Chairman & CEO of Quanta), and Mr. Simon Lin (Chairman & CSO of Wistron). Together they proclaimed a shared vision of promoting smart healthcare technologies in Taiwan, elevating quality of medical care, creating a safer and more efficient workspace to hospital staff, and making Taiwan’s smart healthcare systems the leader of the world.


The development plans underway include “Integration of Patient Information System”, “Pre-discharge Service and Home Healthcare System”, “Smart Medical Record and Medical Decision System “, “Mobile Ward Round System”, “Scenario-based Clinical Skills Training System”, “Smart Dialysis Decision System”, and “Digital Pathology Diagnosis System”.  The latest information technologies and artificial intelligence will be introduced to make hospital management more efficient. The medical staff will be able to spend more time on patients, so as to improve medical quality effectively. In return, patients will benefit from convenience and services brought forth by advanced technologies.


The Chairman & CEO of Quanta, Mr. Barry Lam points out that TVGH is reputable and globally known for its excellence in medical skills, as well as its rich clinical and research experiences. For many years, Quanta has been devoting itself to relevant domains such as smart healthcare, smart medical and remote healthcare, aside from its strength in core businesses. Quanta will not only  fully support the initiative of Smart Digital Technology Hospital at TVGH, it will also actively introduce artificial intelligence and  technical innovations into the medical industry. Chairman Lam looks forward to nation-wide improvement in health and welfare of all citizens, which will also create a new opportunity for Taiwan's AI industry.



Gothenburg is a Good Location for Business EVENT LINK

“Gothenburg is well positioned in the Nordics and close to northern Germany. I’ve been impressed by some of the region’s tech innovations, not to mention the open mindedness and welcoming attitude of the people.  We all feel that Gothenburg is a good location for finding business opportunities and cooperative partners in the Nordic area.” said Dr. Ted Chang, CTO & Vice President of Quanta Computer Inc. – reported by Business Region Göteborg, 15 May 2018



4/24-4/26 Vitalis 2018

We were excited to be back to Gothenburg to attend Vitalis/MIE 2018!  This year, we showcased our QOCA® Smart Hospital @ Home and QOCA® Q-tube at Booth# B07:40.   QOCA® Q-tube  was demonstrated and highly complimented by the delegates!  Furthermore, on April 25, Dr. Ted Chang, our CTO, VP&GM of Quanta Computer, was invited to speak at ”eHealth Investment and Partnering Event”.  His speech, “Digital Transformation in the Health Industry”, was very inspiring and well received by the audience of SMEs, representatives of regional governments, as well as academic and research organizations.




Zorg & ICT 2018 in Utrecht

The annual Zorg & ICT event was held in Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Netherlands from 17th to 19th April 2018. The ICT developments and healthcare professionals were the focus of the exhibition. QOCA® home, an innovative platform for healthcare and social care, was also demonstrated. The successful presentation has drawn a lot of attentions from those associations who provide care services for the elderly. QOCA® home aims to offer a platform for the elderly to enjoy aging in place.


3/27-3/30 Smart City Summit & Expo 2018

Quanta’s exhibition at SCSE 2018 is getting bigger and smarter!  This year at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, we will showcase our QOCA® Smart Hospital @ Home and QOCA® Q-tube at the booth I124 of Smart Healthcare Expo.  Our QOCA® team will be more than happy to introduce to you the service innovations of remote health caring.  Furthermore, on Mar. 28 at 2:30pm, Dr. Ted Chang, our CTO, will speak on “Smart Hospital as a Home Service” at Room 504A, the Smart Healthcare Industry Forum.  This will be an excellent opportunity to get a first-hand understanding about the future telehealth services!  Meanwhile, our QC³ will be demonstrated to the public at the booth J629A of Smart Education Expo.  QC³ is a total solution of collaborative cloud-based communication technologies that allows users to attend online meetings from their smartphones, tablets and PCs, anytime and anywhere.  Dr. Alex Huang and Dr. Rocky Hsieh will also introduce and demonstrate “Quanta QC³ Cloud Education System” at the conference room A inside Smart City Expo/level 1 on March 28 from 13:00-14:00pm.  Join us to experience the cutting-edge technologies and learn the exciting trends on online education!




3/5-3/9, HiMSS 2018

The leading health information and technology conference – HiMSS 2018, is just around the corner.  This is the first time that Quanta Computer Inc. will be exhibiting at HiMSS18.  We will introduce QOCA® Smart Hospital @ Home, the newest member of the overall QOCA® series, designed to meet the needs of “Promote Medical Performance . Streamline Patient Care Procedure”.  This innovative system brings the benefits of the same hospital-quality care to patients at home.  Join us at booth 11329 Hall G and experience the next generation of remote healthcare services!


QOCA® Community Living in Rotterdam/South Holland

QOCA® Community Living has been opened in Rotterdam on 22 January 2018.  QOCA® home hubs will be installed at 30 elderly in the Rotterdam region.  This will take into account the own situation (culture, language) and the community in which the elderly live (their own neighborhood).  This project will take three to six months.  During the duration of the project, a number of high tea's for the QOCA® Community will be organized, giving the attendees better opportunities to get in touch with each other and with other users.



A licensing agreement of “Smart Bedside System” between Quanta and NCTU

On December 20th, Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) and National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Smart Healthcare Promotion Office entered a licensing agreement of “Smart Bedside System”. Both parties are collaborating on a new smart healthcare platform that incorporates a cloud-based architecture and APP-centric services—the top-two features of Quanta’s QOCA® home smart healthcare solutions. The program aims to create an environment that is truly focused on patients’ needs through significantly improved efficiency and service quality of the overall healthcare system. Meanwhile, Quanta’s “Cloud-based Collaboration Communication System” and NCTU’s “New E3” education platform are integrated to deliver services of remote online conferencing and online sharing of classroom resources. Among the many benefits, this enhanced system brings to the faculty and students are: saving of time traveling between different campuses, real-time project collaboration, flexibility of learning, knowledge management, and remote participation by international students.

12/7-12/10 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo, Booth: N603 (4F/Medical Devices)

Taiwan has one of the world’s best healthcare systems; the quality of Taiwan’s medical service is consistently ranked in the top 10 worldwide. 2017 Taiwan Healthcare⁺ Expo is the first ever exhibition in Taiwan that brings together physicians, and biotechnology companies, services and networks in a common platform, aiming at fostering communications and collaborations between the different groups. Quanta is pleased to present at Healthcare⁺ its newest product – QOCA®Smart Hospital @ Home, which was first demonstrated and highly complimented at 2017 MEDICA, Germany. With QOCA® Smart Hospital @ Home comes a new era of remote healthcare services. Visitors of Healthcare⁺ are welcome to enjoy the spirit of QOCA® and experience the innovations behind our products.


11/13-11/16 MEDICA 2017

We would like to invite you to visit our great booth at 15B22, to take a closer look at our QOCA®Smart Hospital @ Home, the newest member of the overall QOCA® series. This innovative system brings the benefits of the same hospital-quality care to patients at home, off-loading the work in the hospital while offering better life quality to its users. Another product to be introduced is QOCA® Q-tube, a unique combination of Medical IoT and AR for dentists to own. Our friendly QOCA® team will be more than happy to demonstrate the products and answer any questions of yours. Do not miss this great opportunity to let us know your needs, and learn more about what we can do for your customers!


An opening ceremony of Cisco (China) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. and its ecosystem partners EVENT LINK

A grand opening ceremony of Cisco (China) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. and its ecosystem partners was held on Oct. 13 at Panyu district, Guangzhou. Quanta is proud to be one of the ecosystem partners, and has its newest product - QOCA® smart hospital @ home exhibited at iShowroom, an experience center for future living. Technologies demonstrated at iShowroom encompass various applications including smart office, smart living, smart transportation, and smart manufacturing, all of which are cutting-edge and bring to its visitors unprecedented innovation experiences toward working, living, entertainment, learning and many more.


Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital held an opening ceremony on Sep. 29

After years of preparation and four years of construction, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital held its opening ceremony on Sep. 29.The Hospital will have more than 120 doctors serving in some 30 medical departments and nearly 300 outpatient clinics. The trial operation starts with 90 beds at the moment. Proudly chosen by the Hospital as the standard equipment for all of its nursing stations, “QOCA® e-Whiteboard” received a lot of compliments from the medical staff for its clean interface and ease of operation, achieving highly efficient, high-quality medical care services in all aspects. It is an innovative system that enables medical staff to effortlessly monitor the status inside wards and scheduling of surgical operations, as well as manage personnel shifting and bed allocation. The result is significant improvement in administrative efficiency and service precision. Cardinal and Vatican representatives also gave QOCA® e-Whiteboard high comments after the demonstration. Ms. Song, Director of Nursing Department, particularly introduced “QOCA® Smart Patient Terminal” and “QOCA® Smart Bedside Card” to the guests and the press at the ceremony; their touch interface have seamlessly integrated various functions of information retrieval, health education, communications, and entertainment, all of which are in high demand by patients and their family alike. The QOCA® series is a truly human-centric healthcare management system whereby the patient’s physical and spiritual needs are easily taken care of.



Red Dot Award 2017: Expert Jury Honors Outstanding Dental Products EVENT LINK

Congratulations to all winners of Red Dot Award 2017! Our QOCA® Q-tube Wi-Fi Teeth Scope Pro and QOCA® Q-tube Wi-Fi Otoscope Pro stood out from competition and were both awarded a Red Dot Product Design this year in Essen, Germany. “This year, participants from 54 countries entered a record number of more than 5,500 innovations for the Red Dot Award competition. Among the submissions that impressed the 39-member expert jury with their well-thought-through design were again a number of dental products, including toothbrushes, a portable dental radiographic camera, a CBCT scanner and a 3-D printer… With Quanta Computer’s Q-tube Wi-Fi Teeth Scope Pro and the Q-tube Wi-Fi Otoscope Pro, dentists or ear, nose and throat specialists can show a video stream of the examination live on a monitor to involve patients more closely in their treatment. The Taiwan-made devices that won a Red Dot this year feature a blue-illuminated ring indicating that they are in operation. The camera head is smooth and rounded, and the rubberised and sandblasted surfaces of the elliptically shaped housing have a pleasant feel. The power button is colour-contrasted with the control buttons,” reported Dental Tribune International on Sep. 19.

2017 Hospital CEO Forum

On 17 September, Dr. Ted Chang (right, CTO, VP&GM of Quanta Computer), Mr. Stan Shih (left, Founder of Acer Inc.), and Dr. Yi-Bing Lin (center, Vice President of National Chiao Tung University) spoke as panelists at the 2017 Hospital CEO Forum, an event held jointly by Aspire Academy of Stans Foundation and Novartis Taiwan Ltd. They shared prospects and opinions on today’s and future development of Smart Healthcare in Taiwan.


Taiwan Business Day 2017 (#TBD17) in Utrecht on Sep. 14 EVENT LINK

Taiwan Business Day 2017 is an event organized jointly by Taiwan Globalization Network (TGN) and Economic Board Utrecht (EBU). In addition to meet Taiwanese organizations and entrepreneurs in the arena of innovation, #TBD17 is also a perfect venue for you to learn how Taiwan can become crucial for your success. Quanta is pleased to attend the ”Profit from Bridging the Strengths of Regions” seminar. Two presentations will be given to demonstrate our QOCA® home Telehealth Solution: (1) Social Innovation in Elderly Care (2) Citizens Innovation & Community Building


21st World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2017)

Quanta is proud to be invited by Ministry of Economic Affairs and present its QOCA® series at WCIT 2017, constantly referred to as the “Olympics” of the ICT industry, at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 this year. From Sep. 10 to 13, Quanta will showcase its QOCA® home and QOCA®smart hospital solution at Country Pavilions A220. We cordially invite you to stop by and learn more about our advance technology in healthcare solution.


Quanta participated a Grand Opening Event in Utrecht East EVENT LINK

The District Information Point of Utrecht East (Wijkinformatiepunt Utrecht Oost) hosted a grand launch event on Aug. 31. It was a project directly supported and partly subsidized by Utrecht Municipality. Quanta was proud to present QOCA® home Telehealth Solution at this event. QOCA® home was introduced to the elderly; it allowed them to not only find information very easily, but also communicate with residents and caregivers in the neighborhood.

To Build A World-Class Smart Healthcare System EVENT LINK

On 23 August, Dr. Ted Chang (CTO, VP&GM of Quanta Computer) was invited to speak at the Tainan City Government’s 305th Municipal Administrative Meeting. In his speech of “To Build A World-Class Smart Healthcare System”, Dr. Chang introduced to Mayor Lai and his team some of the ongoing projects as examples of collaborating with advanced countries in the area of smart healthcare.


Quanta and Economic Board Utrecht signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On Monday 19 June, Dr. Ted Chang (center), CTO, VP&GM of Quanta Computer, and Mr. Henk Broeders (left), Chairman of Economic Board Utrecht(EBU), signed a MoU in Utrecht City Hall. Drs. C.A. Geldof (right) ,Vice-mayor, Municipality of Utrecht, witnessed the ceremony.  Defining the cooperation framework between Quanta and EBU, this MoU aims to enable the “Smart Living Utrecht Project”.


Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMU) join-forces with Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) to build a “Smart Hospital Simulation Laboratory”. EVENT LINK VIDEO

An Opening Ceremony of the Quanta-TMU Smart Hospital Simulation Laboratory was held on June 13 at TMU. Both professional elite teams announced the start of establishing a cross-industry alliance in order to innovate new models of personalized smart healthcare services.


NCTU and Quanta go hand in hand in establishing a Smart Healthcare Cooperation Platform EVENT LINK VIDEO

A signing ceremony of memorandum of industry-academia collaboration between National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) was held on June 6 at NCTU.  The two elite research teams will jointly create a patient-centric environment that is rich in  smart-healthcare applications. Integrating virtual cloud databases, big data analysis, transmission technologies tailored for the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT), wearable technology, etc. This platform aims to improve the efficiency of medical staff and develop personalized smart home healthcare services.


Signing of MoU on strategic cooperation between Quanta Computer and Country Garden EVENT LINK

On the 10th of May, Dr. Ted Chang, Vice President of Quanta Computer, and his staff visited Country Garden, where they were greeted by Mr. Jeff Lin, Chief Strategy Officer and General Manager of Strategic Development Centre, and Mr. Robert Zhu, General Manager of Medical Healthcare Business Unit. Quanta and Country Garden, both companies reached consensus on cooperation in areas of technical township, smart community, smart home, healthcare, education and strategic investment. Both companies signed a MoU and agreed to collaborate at all fronts.


4/25-4/27 VITALIS 2017 in Gothenburg, Booth B07:50

Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) is pleased to introduce its QOCA® series at VITALIS 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden, the largest eHealth event in Scandinavia. Between 04/25 and 04/27, Quanta will present its QOCA® home—a home telehealth solution, and QOCA® spt —a smart patient terminal solution at Booth# B07:50. Quanta looks forward to bringing the technical innovations of the QOCA® series to institutional caregivers of Scandinavia, and sharing its view on the future of the industry with international partners.


2017 Red Dot Design Award Winner: QOCA® Q-tube Series

Excellent! The Red Dot Award: Product Design 2017 was awarded to QOCA® Q-tube Wi-Fi Teeth Scope Pro & Wi-Fi Otoscope Pro! “Q-tube effectively improves doctor-patient communication by delicate and kind design to users, and the image of professional.”, stated by the jury.


3/21-3/25 37th International Dental Show (IDS 2017) in Cologne, Hall 5.1 A008

The 37th IDS greets worldwide dental professionals to Cologne between March 21 and 25 to explore the cutting-edge technologies. Quanta will present its QOCA® e-health and QOCA® Q-tube families at Booth #A008 Hall 5.1. Visitors are welcome to come and experience the spirit of QOCA® as well as the many innovations behind the products.


Zorg(Care) & ICT 2017 in Utrecht EVENT LINK

Quanta participates (booth# 10.A007) in Zorg(Care) & ICT 2017 in Jaarbeurs/Utrecht, Netherlands, between March 14 and March 16, 2017.  Zorg(Care) & ICT provides a knowledge platform for human-oriented care innovations. The trade fair is the annual benchmark for ICT and innovation within the care sector. Quanta will be introducing “QOCA® home”, a telehealth solution for home, and “QOCA® spt”, a bedside smart patient terminal, at the exhibition.  Quanta takes this opportunity to showcase its accomplishments of years of R&D efforts.


1/30-2/2 Arab Health 2017 in Dubai, Booth SAL38

Arab Health is the largest gathering of healthcare and trade professionals in the MENA region. Quanta is proud to showcase its QOCA® product series - QOCA® home, QOCA® spt, QOCA® e-Health and QOCA® Q-tube at Arab Heath this year in Dubai. Visitors will have a chance to take a closer look at the QOCA® solution, with which Quanta looks forward to bringing innovative healthcare technologies to the MENA market.


The CARE Innovation Shop (de ZORG innovatiewinkel) Opening

People of the Netherlands and professionals in the healthcare industry are cordially invited to come to De Zorginnovatiewinkel at Hoog Catharijne in Utrecht between 21 January and 17 February, 2017.  Quanta is pleased to present its QOCA® product series - QOCA® home (a home telehealth solution), and QOCA® spt (a smart patient terminal solution). The pop-up store offers a great opportunity to explore interesting ideas of healthcare innovations, get updated about the latest product roadmap, or put hands on some of the coolest products.  


Launched QOCA® home Experience Centre in Utrecht, Netherlands EVENT LINK

Quanta Computer Inc. (Quanta) is pleased to announce the opening of its QOCA® home Experience Centre, located at JIM Utrecht, the Netherlands, on Jan 20, 2017. Optimized for the elderly, QOCA® home is a cloud-based platform tailored for the best user experiences in telehealth and telecare. The QOCA® home Experience Centre is the venue for Dutch people to explore the possibilities of advanced healthcare solutions.



CHINC 2016, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China EVENT LINK

Cisco and Quanta co-exhibited QOCA home and QOCA spt in China Hospital Information Network Conference 2016.


ATA 2016, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. EVENT LINK

QOCA home made an appearance at ATA 2016. The new home hub hardware was introduced at the booth.



If you build it…make sure they can use it EVENT LINK

For the CC-ABHI team, a highlight of the visit was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two groups. It marks an important step in our partnership with Quanta. It also signals that CC-ABHI can be a global force for change in senior’s care by working with international partners to bring the best ideas and solutions from anywhere in the world to help our aging population. 

This is an auspicious beginning – onwards and upwards from here.

Cisco Partner Summit 2015 Montreal, Canada EVENT LINK

At Cisco’s annual partner event, QOCA spt and QOCA home were introduced to the prestigious partners of Cisco Greater China theater. Quanta will work with Cisco Greater China to provide QOCA healthcare solutions to Chinese healthcare market.



ISG 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

QOCA introduced itself to the academic societies at the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology.

ATA 2014, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.

QOCA home made a consecutive appearance at ATA annual meeting. At the booth the new home hub system “S-Hub” was introduced with our new QOCA mascot.



In winter 2013, The Symbol of National Quality certification was awarded to QOCA home’s special implementation: QOCA-i131. QOCA-i131 is an in-hospital telehealth system for the professional care teams to look after patients staying in isolation wards.


ATA 2013, Austin, TX, U.S.A.

QOCA debuted at the 2013 annual meeting of American Telemedicine Association. We brought to the booth a fully equipped solution, including a server rack, and did live demonstrations of QOCA home and QOCA med.

